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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  August 10, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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5:00 p.m. eastern. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced, on the road, but still unafraid. >> shepard: free fall on wall street? today, new concern and hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth wiped out today. plus, the terrorists who shot down our troops in afghanistan get pay back. the three siblings on the run after a two day crime spree on the run captured. citizens rescued amid the riots in great britain. [shouting] >> the people fight back. >> we will smash you up. you riot, we will riot you, meat. -- >> volunteers putting their lives on the line. >> the guy who killed him drove directly into the crowd and killed three innocent guys.
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why? >> shepard: tonight, going all out. to take back the streets. plus cops say the bomb was fake but the threat may be very real. our concern was was this a test for security at the airport. >> now, one suspect claims it was an innocent mistake. and a little boy lost in the ocean. >> they never expected him to live. >> shepard: but then. >> we really believe god can work miracles. >> but, first from fox this wednesday night. turem turmoil on wall street and your incredible shrinking 401(k). brutal losses in a market where every move seems to be magnified. all of the major stock indices
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fell more than 4%. the dow lost 500 points. the nasdaq 100. the s&p off 50. the red arrows wiped out all of yesterday's gains. eamericaing today, concerns over what may be a developing global bank crisis as investors continue to worry about the debt problems in europe and whether they will send america's weak economy into a second recession. the concern today, french debt. the president there nicholas sarkozy cut short his vangz on the french revolver i -- rivera. still lawmakers here taking their august vacations. a look at that later. look at the drop on the right there. in less than three weeks, the dow has lost more than 2,000 points. the recent market run-up, wiped out more than $2 trillion in investor wealth in the united states. monday was its 7th largest point drop in history, today wasn't
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far behind. team fox coverage begins, gerri willis of the fox business network. gerri, today's lost was the ninth worse lost. >> it went to paris. france worries overnight would lose a.a.a. credit rating. s&p said no, we are not taking that away. the focus changed to french banks. they sold off. what will be the impact on u.s. banks? our market got crushed. >> shepard: as a lot of our viewers probably might expect, gold hit another record today. traders didn't shy away from oil, either. >> no, no. oil popped as well today up to 82 bucks and change a barrel. not to worry about demand. gold bursting through the previous high. $1,801 today. it settled at 1784. people are looking for a safe haven out there. >> shepard: how real, gerri, are concerns about the possibility of a second u.s. recession?
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>> well, very real, indeed. keep in mind that the economy doesn't have to go into recession just because we have a stock sell off. one of the biggest sell offs offer in 1987 did not result in the economic retrenchment. but the big worries behind these moves today is lack of growth. lack of growth in the u.s. economy. we're seeing that play out and that could be the key to another recession. >> shepard: gerri willis, part of the best team in business. her show the willis worth every weekday afternoon 5 p.m. central up the dial. the computer giant apple lay claim to the title of the world's most valuable company. the maker of the ipad topped exxon mobil after briefing holding that position yesterday. it's now worth $337 billion. 6 billion more than the oil joint. exxon mobil had held that spot for six solid years. some of america's biggest banks were the very big losers today. citigroup and bank of america lost 10% of its value today.
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analysts blame the crisis in europe. they say the fear is it may start a chain reaction that could hurt big banks here because they own european debt. hackers disrupting part of the hong kong stock exchange today. officials calling it a malicious attack. somebody broke into into exchans web site kept from accessing accounts stopped trading. they say the attack did not effect secures and derivatives markets. what's next for the economy? most of the members of the super committee in congress, that's the panel in charge fing finding more than a trillion dollars in spending cuts as part of that debt limit deal. the deadline is thanksgiving. we're live in d.c. with the items on the team. and the mission ahead on fox report tonight the long arm of the law stretching from florida all the way to colorado where tonight the so-called daugherty gang the gang of siblings is now behind bars after a police chase and car crash. as you may recall, cops have
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been desperately searching for the trio for more than a week after they would said to shot up a police car outside tampa. two brothers and stripper sister violently robbed a bank up north in georgia, even shooting bullets into the ceiling. earlier today it all came to an end here after the gang flipped the get away car while running from cobs near colorado city. earlier today on "fox & friends," the family's former neighbors talked about some weird stuff that used to happen in the property. >> construction and trees being removed with a bulldozer. they used to run a horse stable there we thought it was them clearing their property. little did we know they were building an underground bunker. >> it is unlikely the trio will see their house or that bunker any time soon. alyssia acuna in our rockie mountain newsroom. they didn't go quietly. >> no they didn't. at one point one the siblings reached out the window and
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started shooting an ak 47 at law enforcement during the chase. and after the car crashed and flipped over, the sister, lee grace took off and tried load a gun. the apparent target the officer shot her in the leg. one brother ran to a nearby town where police caught him. here is what officials found by the car. >> outside of the vehicle, so after the crash outside of the vehicle, in plain sight we had a mac 11 machine pistol, two ak 47's, and a handgun. >> all of the suspects are in custody now. their injuries were not life-threatening, shep? >> shepard: where do they go now, alyssia? >> well, authorities are telling us that they will spend the night in the pueblo county jail in southern, colorado. the district attorney there tells us that she's -- that these three broke federal. plawmplet shooting at law enforcement in colorado and florida. figuring out which jurisdiction
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gets them first may be up to the fbi. shep? >> shepard: alyssia acuna on the daugherty trio tonight. father calling for end of the riots in honor of his son saying the 21-year-old lost his life trying to stop the violence. we have the son on the left here. the father says a driver mowed down these three men last night in birmingham while they were on patrol defending their own neighborhood. >> what started these riots? what's escalating them? why are we doing this? i lost my son. step forward if you want to lose your sons. i don't see, calm down and go home. >> shepard: the police say they are worried these deaths will have the opposite effect. officers there say they have a suspect in custody and they tell us it looks like he did hit the men intentionally. "the fox report's" correspondent jonathan hunt is live in our newsroom. part of the concern is the back story behind these deaths, jonathan. >> it is, shep. these three men that were killed were all muslims. they had just returned from
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ramadan prayers at their local mosques. police have not confirmed as eyewitnesses have claimed that the driver of the vehicle that hit them was black. but police officials have said they are concerned that this incident could add to long simmering tensions between the black community and the asian predominantly muslim community. now, you add to that the so-called the english defense league is now patrolling the streets in various cities in britain because they say police have failed to patrol them properly. you have all the ingredients to take this from what is being senseless looting and rioting to interethnic and religious conflict that is a situation the police and government desperately want to keep a lid on, shep. >> shepard: jonathan, it's just past midnight in the united kingdom now. police are telling us if they are goes badly tonight they are holding no punches. >> absolutely.
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they have been given the authority to use water canon. used before in northern ireland. never on the british main land. they have been effectively fighting the rioters with riot shields and batons. also been given permission to use plastic bullets. again, only used in northern island. never on the main land. the prime minister says they have no choice. listen. >> whatever resources the police need, they will get. whatever tactics the police feel they need to employ, they will have legal backing to do so. what we will do whatever it is necessary to restore law and order on to our streets every contingency is being looked at. nothing is off the table. >> one other point, shep, it is the opening weekend of the english soccer season coming up. there is now talk of canceling every game in every riot hit city because police don't have the resources to provide security. so that gives you a sense of
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just how deep this crisis is. imagine what it would be like in american cities if they felt they had to cancel every nfl game, shep? >> shepard: unthinkable. jonathan thanks. a little more within 24 hours from now the republican presidential candidates will be facing off live here on fox news channel as experts say this debate could be a game changer. we'll have a live update coming up next. plus, the wisconsin recall election. you probably heard about these. democrats were vowing to keep up the fight in 2012. one analyst says it could be a sign where the entire country is headed. from the journalists of fox news. this is "the fox report." a lot of times, things are right underneath our feet,
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>> shepard: this is america's election headquarters. the republican candidates for president will square off in a live debate on fox news channel. two days before this weekend's iowa straw poll a poll which the
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experts could tell us could make or break some campaigns it is safe to stay that tomorrow night the state of the u.s. economy will be topic one. among those expected to be in attendance michele bachmann, the former massachusetts governor mitt romney. the former minnesota governor tim pawlenty and texas congressman ron paul. campaign carl cameron live in des moines, iowa. karl, this debate will really set the stage for that straw poll in ames. >> really potentially a game changer. because of all of the momentous news with the markets and the nation's credit rating being downgraded, mitt romney who is the headliner here at a fundraiser for the republican party of polk county outside of des moines feels it's in his wheel house. straw poll for him it doesn't matter. he hasn't been competing in the straw poll said he will not. romney will be the center of attention for the debate. straw poll considerably mitt romney, governor? >> hey, karl. >> what a surprise. >> we are on live with shepard
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smith. >> oh, hey, shep, how are you doing? this a great evening. isn't this fun out here in iowa it's a great state? >> it is. shep, this is the kind of thing that happens in iowa. only for fox news county candidates come over and talk to us this quickly. mr. romney what do you expect tomorrow night real quick. >> i think it's going to be a lot of the fun. a lot of give and take. at least eight folks on the stage, maybe more, you never know. big audience, this is a time when people are focusing on a new direction for the country. they know what we right now isn't working. they want to see someone new leading this country and they want to take look at all of us. sarah palin is going to make a visit to the state fair on thursday or friday. >> it will be fun. i will there tomorrow. it's a great fair to go too. take care. >> mitt romney with a surprise visit, caught me off guard. that's the nature of it quickly now, sarah palin is coming to iowa to the state fair. probably for an appearance on friday. her troops are jeght in in order to undertake this. report that rudy giuliani is
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hire campaign state in the first in the primary state of new hampshire. his aides say that is not accurate giuliani has not made up his minority -- mind not looking at staff yet. >> shepard: carl cameron with the candidate. watch the republican debate here on the fox news channel tomorrow night in the normal hannity time slot 9:00 eastern 8:00 in oxford. democrats coming up short in the wisconsin recall elections. they won three seats but they needed -- they won two but they needed three to take control of the state senate they so they didn't make it trying to replace republicans who voted for scott walker's law who voted for union rights state workers. democratic lawmakers even left the state to try to prevent a vote. one analyst called wisconsin an example of the political roller coaster the entire country has been on since last november's election. wisconsin democrats say they will try to recall governor walker himself next year. a deepening mystery on the island of aruba. an american woman has disappeared.
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reportedly, while snorkeling with a man she had met on line. but whether she actually was is very much in question now. it did happen just down the road from where natalee holloway vanished. and now an attorney for her traveling companion is speaking out. and warren jeffs, is he behind bars. he will likely stay there for the rest of his life. as you can see in our cube, he has a new look. and the folks in the jail are telling us what he does all day. i love that my daughter's part fish. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have cess to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people
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>> shepard: the suspect in the case of an american woman missing in aruba denies that he had anything to do with her disappearance: he she is 35-year-old robin gardner. disappeared from the same town
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where natalee holloway disappeared from. the pair went snorkeling, then she somehow vanished in the ocean. the prosecutors say police detained this man jerry just before he got on a plane to fly to the united states because of questions about information he had given them. now, robin gardner's boyfriend says that when their relationship went sour, she may have jumped at the chance to take a free vacation to take a vacation with a 50-year-old guy she met online. >> last message i got from her, i love you. we will talk and sort of things out when i get back. i just don't think that she was knock ling. i feel -- knock ling. she didn't want to get her head wet. she never went into the ocean deeper than her waist. i get everybody is pointing fingers directly at robyn
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gardner's companion from >> world famous and crystal clear watters are evidence against him. gardner's get away date jerry seen here with investigators. claims that when he surfaced from knock ling, -- new york -- knock listening. the current were nil. details don't add up. his criminal history in the u.s. includes two restraining orders involving two women and ex-wife who claims he physically abused her, beating her in the back with a kitchen spoon, shep? >> shepard: what about gardner's family here in the u.s.? >> despite the odds at this point, they have still do remain hopeful that she will be found alive, even though at this point aruba's investigation, their search active search for her is now officially over with. robyn gardner's roommate and best friend spoke to us today on behalf of his family.
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>> i say that robyn is more than a pretty face. a human being a huge heart. she is very loyal. she is definitely more than a half glass full kind of gal. >> gardner's apartment is in frederick maryland, west of baltimore. tonight the fbi office in maryland confirms it is now assisting the aruban government with this case, much as the alabama office of the fbi did back during the natalee holloway case. shep? >> shepard: phil keating with the update from south florida. thanks. it appears that the emperor has no clothes or at least the prophet has no hair. the texas department of criminal justice today releasing new mug shots of that convicted polygamist cult leader warren jeffs. check out the buzz cut there as you may know, a jury yesterday sentenced jeffs to life in prison, plus, for sexually abusing two underaged child brides. at the time the girls were 12 and 15 years old. but some expert and former cult members say it's likely warren
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jeffs will continue to lead his church even from prison. we're told he has as many as 10,000 followers in the united states who believe that warren jeffs is a religious prophet, speaks to and hears from god himself. and many are said to be so indoctrinated they still may remain faithful to his teachings. and the jail folks are telling us what he does all day in jail. it's not safe for this time period. google it if you are interested. stocks are tumbling and so apparently is president obama's approval rating not to mention congress. so is this the best time for them all to be taking vacations? a fox report from the white house coming up. and if lawmakers couldn't agree on spending cuts before why should we believe he will do it this time. for real. a look at the group in charge of making that happen as we hit bottom of the hour headlines times on america's leading newscasts on cable. ♪ ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪
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>> shepard: lots of good ways to propose to your girlfriend, maybe in the place where you first met. maybe over a candle lit dinner. maybe go the route of the guy in china who dressed up as a carrot. and so did 4 will of his friends. they did danced for the girlfriends. local reports say it took the guys weeks to plan this at a cost of $15,000. so why carrots? we are told orange is her favorite color. apparently i worked. as onlookers reportedly chanted marry him, marry him. she said yes.
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the carrots kept dancing. i'm shepard smith. this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news. on a day of colossal losses on wall street. all the major indices down 4%. dow off 500. ninth worst point loss ever. the stock market turmoil could not come at a worse time for the obama administration as a new fox news poll indicates the president's approval rating is sinking fast. our chief white house correspondent ed henry here on that. sounds like the economy is as expected having a real impact on the president's approval rating. >> that's right. shep. the markets taking a beating. the president's approval rating as well. for the first time in fox news polling during his presidency, a majority now a 1% of the american people do not think is he a strong, decisive leader. that is a 15 point slide for the president. if you go back to october of 2009, 60% of the nation thought he was a strong, decisive leader. that dipped down to 52% in march. now, only 45% after the debt deal, after the economic slide,
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the president's job approval now dropped to 42%. disapproval up to 48%. by the way, when asked if the election were held today would you vote for him only 44% of the country says yes. obviously that old adage you can't beat somebody with nobody. that's why the republicans are in iowa trying to figure out though ho they will be. whoever that nominee is going to be is going to be facing somebody pretty weak right now. >> in the midst of it all congress and the president both on vacation. >> no doubt about it. fairness to the president i spent many days in crawford, texas, in august, in fact, many years covering president bush when he was on vacation. and i was also in hawaii when this president had to deal with an attempted terror attack ton christmas day. i think jay carney was trying to push back on any criticism this upcoming vacation in martha's vineyard. at any moment the president has to spring into action. take a listen. >> no such thing as a
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presidential vaxz. the presidency travels with you. he will be in constant communication and get regular briefings from his national security team as well as his economic team. and he will, of course, be fully capable, if necessary, of traveling back if that were required. it's not very far. >> now, the potential problem for the president, of course, is vacations maybe don't get as much scrutiny which things are going well. get a lot more scrutiny one employment so high, with the recent slides on wall street. when you look around the world and see a lot of european leaders now canceling their own vacations because they are dealing with that european debt crisis, shep. >> shepard: ed henry live at the white house. ed, thanks. just three seats left on that super committee in charge of erasing some of the nation's red ink. house and senate leaders have chosen five of the nine leaders. the panel is supposed to find more than a trillion dollars in spending cuts by thanksgiving. it's part two of the deal to raise the nation's debt limit.
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and the white house is insisting this time taxes should be on the table. but when you look at that group, mike emanuel, our congressional correspondent, man, it just -- the future does not look bright. >> shep, a lot of people are wondering whether we are heading for gridlock once again. the republicans picking lawmakers highly unlikely to agree to tax increases. speaker boehner's wage and means. fred upton and republican conference chairman general hencer ling all veteran members. all known as boehner establishment republicans. in the senate mitch mcconnell picked jon kyl who is the second ranking republican in republican leadership and is a senior member of the finance committee. pat toomey who has run a small business and known to be a fiscal hawk and rob portman. he knows the ends and out of the federal judgment. before announcing names, he shared his thinking. take lafn. >> i'm putting people who have
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high character, great integrity and can deal with the fact that they are going to be pushed and pulled and lob idea by everybody in town including our own colleagues in the senate. >> now that their names are out there, expect pressure from all angles, shep? >> shepard: from democrats no, picks from the house yet but picks from the senate? >> that's right. an experienced group of senators, patty murray is the number four democratic leadership. max baucus is the chairman of the finance committee. john kerry is the chairman of the foreign relations committee and obviously a former democratic nominee for president. regarding the white house take, take a listen. >> the committee needs to take its work seriously and that it has been mandated by a law passed by congress to do that. and to act before thanksgiving. and to come together around series of proposals that can get bipartisan support.
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>> proposals to get through congress and ensure we have deficit reduction. a big job ahead. shep? >> shepard: mike emanuel in washington tonight. another arrest today in connection with with a phone hacking scandal at news corps' british tabloid news of the world. news corps is the parent company of fox news channel. we're told the suspect in custody is a former senior editor at that news corps paper who used to run the news desk. his is the 12th arrest so far as police there investigate accusations that employees illegally spied on people they were covering from celebrities to politicians to murder victims to dead soldiers. several top executives at news corps have also resigned in the scandal. news corps is trying to convince investors that the news of the world scandal will not hurt the rest of the company. and today it took a step in that direction. reporting earnings that beat expectations on the street. the media conglomerate actually posted a 22% drop in quarterly profits compared with the same period last year. that loss due according to the company on the hit it took on the sale of social networking
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site myspace. without that news corps reports profits would have actually risen. police are investigating a bomb square at a u.s. airport. they say a woman tried to get past security with an apparent explosive device in her carry on. now, another suspect in the case is speaking out from jail. and we'll give you the details coming up. plus, the 12-year-old boy who officials say was under water so long that he thought -- they thought he could never come out alive. have you ever heard -- well, we'll tell you how long in a minute and show you how he is doing and what his parents are saying as fox report continues tonight. [ engine revs ]
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what makes us number one in motorcycle insurance? we love bikes. we love riders. and most of all, we love to ride.
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perfect hair every time. leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> shepard: president obama believes syria would be better off if its president were to step down. that from the white house press secretary jay carney today in what appears to be the obama administration's strongest wording to date on the recent blood shed today and today more blood shed.
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amateur video of a tank firing at a machine gun east at the capital of damascus. we can't confirm this because the syrian government will not let our journalists in there syrian forces loyal to the president bashar assad have reportedly killed close to 2,000 antigovernment citizens in recent months. in fact, we're told that in the city of hama. bodies are quote piling up in the streets, unquote. after a week of intense shelling and sniper fire. jim angle in washington tonight with the details. jim? >> hello, shep. well, the obama administration is trying to ratchet up the pressure on the assad government with new sanctions announced today on syrian banks close to the government which is also implicated in illegal weapons trade in north carolina and on the largest syrian cell phone company key supporter of the assad government. listen. >> the most important thing that we can do right now censure that our actions back up our words. >> i'm in favor of imposing any sanctions the administration wants to on the assad regime. but if they are only american
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sanctions, the regime can evade them. >> the u.n. security council last week condemned the syrian government for attacking civilians. the u.s. was pushing for a legally binding resolution against syria which was blocked by five other nations. critics say that is the carnage in syria gets worse. statements syria would be better off without assad fall on deaf ears. sir would would have been better off without assad and his father for the last 40 years. simply saying that at the white house has no effect at all. >> saudi arabia and king abdelah withdrew their ambassador and condemned what they called unjustified use of force that iran is backing the syrian government and assad may be looking at libyans muammar qaddafi who has faced down a nato bombing campaign and even more pressure and still remains in power. shep? >> jim angle live tonight in americans with disabilities act. police have arrested three people saying one of them tried
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to sneak on to a plane with what looked like a homemade bomb. turned out to be fake. the cops are taking it very seriously. especially since it's so close to the 10 year remembrance of 9/11 it happened friday. sky harbor airport in phoenix, security agents there say they found a fake bomb in a woman's carry on bag as she tried to two more people to that crime. african refugees. >> i don't know that kind of illegal -- you know, we traditional, you know, our culture we share stuff. we share everything. that's why i'm sending to my friends. i don't know that kind of thing in airport is going to be illegal. >> shepard: describe the device container with organic substance and cell phone taped to the outside. they think it was pretty obvious they were trying to test the system. what else do we know about, this trace? >> apparently shep they have been in the united states for several years. none of them have serious criminal records.
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the reasonable they know each other is because they are all refugees from ethiopia a few years back. the woman who actually tried to bring the device on board the plane says she was just delivering a package for acquaint tans. the suspect who gave her nage says he was trying to send a send a can of sesame paste in iowa. he says he is not responsible for that cell phone. listen. >> i don't put the cell phone together. i have friend he put the cell phone in plastic baggy together. the control phone, put together the cell phone and he give it to me. and gave it to that lady. >> of course, the man who sent the cell phone was also arrested. police will not confirm if, in fact, it was sesame paste that was in that device. but if it was, it's about 1.50 a can, shep and widely available. >> shepard: guys who don't have much of a record who are not carrying anything that's really illegal but looks illegal test,
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right? >> yeah. that's the big concern here because terrorists have been using cell phones to detonate explosives for years. you talk to the police and they will tell you they are not buying food for a friend thing. we just got off the phone with a phoenix police department. they are saying and i quote here ever since 9/11 you talk about what you can bring to an airport, people should know the kind of items you can bring on a plane. and in the way this was packaged, it raised some concerns. we also talked to the phoenix d.a. he, too, has some questions about the motive in all of this. it appears these suspects may be in custody for a bit while longer, shep. >> shepard: trace gallagher in los angeles this afternoon. trace, thank you. a remarkable story now of a 12-year-old boy's recovery. last week rescuers plucked his lifeless body from the pacific ocean. tonight, is he talking about it surprising even his own parents. >> look, is he not coming back. i want you to understand, you prayed for us and you love us and everything and we were expecting a miracle but is he not coming back.
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>> shepard: somehow, dale ostrander has come back. the 12-year-old was swimming with his church youth group on the washington state coast last week when a relationship tied swept -- rip tide swept him away and pulled him under. >> as soon as i was on the scene it was pretty evident that it was something out of the ordinary. >> shepard: photographer damian was the first to get there he captured these images and spoke with us by phone today. >> there was this large group of teenagers on the beach and they were, you know, sobbing and praying into the sand. you know, it was really heart breaking scene all the way around. >> 20 minutes after the ocean took him away, rescuers finally brought him to shore. >> when they pulled him out of the water, he -- i don't think there is any doubt that he was -- that he had died. you know, there was just -- there was no life there. he had been in the water a long, long time. >> paramedics were able to save
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dale ostrander but it wasn't looking good. >> they had never expected him to live. they expected him to be a vegetable. never walk. >> never talk. >> never talk. never say a word. >> shepard: yet, as doctors took him off sedatives this weekend, the boy opened his eyes. >> we were trying to get him to cough. and come on, dale, cough. you need to cough. he coughed once. okay you need to do it again and do more. >> i don't need to is what he said. >> we're like looking at each other. >> everybody, he spoke. a full sentence. it was amazing. >> we told him don't give up. you keep fighting. >> we kept talking to him. >> you keep breathing. come on. >> shepard: 20 minutes and even if ostrander does keep going, as she put it, doctors warn the incident may have left him with permanent brain damage. his parents though are very optimistic with his dad suggesting we may be witnessing a miracle. vehicles crash in a roadside all the time. but those signs are rarely 15 feet above the ground.
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details on this freak truck crash coming up. plus, the united states strikes back. after the taliban militants are reported to have killed 30 american heros, pay back [ female announcer ] firm skin would be easy without gravity. with olay challenge that. regenerist day and night duo. the uv lotion helps protect skin and firms during the day. the eam hydrat to firat night. gravity doesn't stand a chance. regenerist, from olay.
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>> shepard: they killed our heros and now they are dead. top military officials say a nato air strike has killed the taliban militants who shot down that u.s. helicopter over the weekend. 30 american troops died in the attack, the single deadliest single event of the entire longest war in american history. we're also told the pentagon will release all of the names of those servicemen tomorrow. these are some of their faces. most of them navy seals from the elite team 6. though none from the unit that actually killed bin laden.
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jennifer griffin is our national security correspondent. jennifer, how does the military know it's killed the people that brought down the chopper. >> they say they used tips from locals to track down down the taliban leader and the fired fighter that they said fired the grenade that they think brought down the helicopter. they then called in f-16's and brought down their compound. >> we tracked them as we would in the aftermath of any operation. and we dealt with them with a kinetic strike. in the aftermath of that, we have achieved certainty that they, in fact, were killed in that strike. >> general allen then said that the seem team six unit was not a rescue team. it was actually being called in to chase after taliban fighters firefighters who had gotten away from the original fire fight on the ground. and it's important to point out that we did mention that two nights ago on fox report. >> shepard: the movie coming together now. i guess they are getting extraordinary access to tell this whole story.
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>> they are. this is about seal team six and the bin laden raid. that movie is supposed to come out before the presidential election next year. but we found out that the white house, the pentagon, the cia are all helping kathryn bigelow, oscar award winning director of "the hurt locker" with the script. republican congressman peter king wants an investigation, however, into whether classified information is being provided to hollywood. the white house pushed back. >> we do not discuss classified information. and i would hope that as we face a continued threat from terrorism the house committee on homeland security would have more important topics to discuss than a movie. >> fox news has learned that the last time the pentagon cooperated with bigelow on "the hurt locker" the defense department pulled out after bigelow broke an agreement and added scenes sending a u.s. military vehicle into a palestinian refugee camp in jordan to record an angry mob scene. shep. >> shepard: jennifer griffin at the pentagon.
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here at home a bizarre big rig wreck shut down i-45 in houston for hours. look at this. one end of the truck's bed ramming into an overhead highway sign develops say the trailer's hydraulic arm activated. lifted the bed up while the 18-wheeler was trucking it down the freeway. the police said the driver had no idea it was happening until the thing hit that cross bar, the big rig's crab separating from the load. thankfully, nobody hurt. cops calling in cowboys for backup during a high speed chase with a bull it happened in washington state over the weekend. the dash cam rolled on it all. >> there is a bull under -- you might want to run. it's coming this way, partner. run! [siren] >> look out. folks spotted the beast tearing through the streets and called the 911. police eventually caught up but they needed help. enter of the cow poke. there is one of them, lals so he in hand on the hood of a cop car. another guy took aim and snagged
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the bull from inside a second there he goes. took 30 minutes but the strategicry worked. no humans hurt, nor was the bull. never reporting your daughter missing, while partying and writing bad checks may not be the best way to win over the american public. guess who is the most hated person in our nation. a lot of times, things are right underneath our feet, and all we need to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize just how much natural gas was trapped irocks
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side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury sk immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to >> shepard: casey anthony the florida mom found notice of killing her daughter last month. 94% of people who had heard about the trial said they don't like her. pollsters say they surveyed a thousand people and more than half of them say they consider her cold and creepy. casey anthony reportedly in hiding waiting for a judge to decide whether she will have to report to orlando for probation in an unrelated case. bear alert! family in new hampshire getting surprised while playing monopoly
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on the back deck. it does not involve an unexpected trip to jail. two brothers were playing the game with the grandmother when their mom suddenly screamed get in the house! they looked behind them and saw a black bear. we can only assume it bounced over to board walk. updating some of fox top stories tonight. stocks falling like a rock again today. the dow 519. erasing everything we got back yesterday. today's was the ninth worst sing single day point loss ever. turmoil has lost investors some $2 trillion. a father whose son died trying to protect neighborhood in great britain calling for end to the violence. the british prime minister calling for fight back. three fugitive siblings behind bars tonight. cops say they captured them in colorado after they crashed their car shootout in high speed
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chase. trio accused of shooting at police and robbing a bank with an assault weapon. on this day in the year 1776, the king of england had a, well, a bad day. when he first learned that u.s. colonists had approved the declaration of independence. at the time the revolutionary war had been raging for more than a year. back on the fourth day of the month of july. the founding fathers had made their intentions clear. the 13 cyclones were no clones were no longer part of the british empire. any compromise tonight the war would window. word traveled pretty slowly. when word reached london by boat it caused quite a stir. king george was not impressed and the war would go on for seven more years. we all know who won but the writing was no longer just on the wall 235 years ago today. and now you know the news for this wednesday, augusthe0t


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